Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My first post

My first post; last year I weighed more than 200 pounds and felt terrible. In January I got the flue of some kind and lost about 15 pounds. I liked that I was thinner, it was noticeable to a lot of people and I enjoyed the complements. I had no idea that I had gotten so large (well I did, but I didn’t like to let on). I was determined that I was not going to close the flood gates that had been opened for me. I was going to keep losing weight and get into shape.
In February of 2011 I turned 30. At 30 I had hoped to have achieved so much more than I had, so I set some goals for myself and went about accomplishing them. One goal in particular consumed me and helped me keep my focuses. I was going to run a Marathon.
I joined a gym and took up running. It was hard, painful and time consuming to achieve marathoner status, but I did it. I began to love running. I talked about it all the time, I even would make reference to it in my Sunday-School lessons I would teach. I met other runners and inspired some of my friends to pick up the habit. I continued to lose weight and look fit. I lost a total of 35lb last year and have managed to maintain my weight at 190.
This year I plan to get over the hump and push past this wall to drop another 15 pounds. I have put together a very optimistic list of runs I want to complete this year including a 30 miler ultra marathon. I can’t wait to see how I far I can push myself.
This is not going to be an easy feet, my wife and I are excepting out second child right at the beginning of the running season. We have a two year old now and I am hoping that she will still enjoy going out in the jogger with dear old day so mommy can have a break and be with our new son. It will be absolutely wonderful when they start to ask me things like, “hey dad can we go for a run tonight?” I can’t wait.

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