Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Back at 2014 and Forward to 2015

     It is that time of year again. The time we all turn to making resolutions of fitness and financial stability. I am no stranger to this tradition and am just as guilty as anyone else with regards to setting goals I don’t intend to keep. As I reflect back over 2014 I notice a trend for which I am not proud of. I failed to do my very best. I set out to run two full marathons and only accomplished one half marathon instead.
     Last year I made a lot of commitments to run this race, and that race only to flake out at the last minute due to lack of training or pure laziness. 

     I sat on the couch way too much in 2014. So my goal for 2015 will be a little different. I don’t intend on committing to running more races than I am capable of or can afford. Instead I am going to commit to a dedicated training schedule which will require me to get up and get moving. 

     There are some races I defiantly want to try to accomplish this year, but it is too soon to make any kind of announcements. I think I will wait until I am actually signed up and one hundred percent confident I am going to cross the starting line before sharing which races I am going to finish in 2015. 

     So, in 2015 I plan to run 1,000 miles. That equates to about 20 miles/week. It may be a stretch at first and I will have to do some major runs to make up for any lag in the beginning, but I know I can do this. In 2014 as lazy as I was, I still ran more than 320 miles and burned more than 50,000 calories. 2015 will be my year. I can do this.I know I can.