The Run You Prepare
For Is the One You Run Best
There are a few things in life I
know to be true; things I can always count on. First, the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ’s true church, restored. Secondly, the
atonement of Jesus Christ is far reaching. Thirdly; I believe that every
blessing we receive is a result of our obedience to the principles upon which
the blessing is predicated. To put is in simpler terms, when we obey God’s
command, we prosper in the land. Lastly, I believe, God will give the faithful
line upon line, precept upon precept, all according to our understanding and readiness.
I believe with faith in Jesus Christ all
things are possible. I know I can move mountains, even if it requires a shovel
to do so.
For three years and counting, I have dedicated myself to
the sport of endurance running. I have finished three marathons, six half
marathons, and one Tough Mudder composition. This last year however, I have
struggled to finish any of my races. I come to the starting lines unprepared
for the courses that lay ahead. Each finish has been a drawn out battle for
which I have only myself to blame. Most
recently I ran the Honolulu Marathon in Hawaii. I came ready to run, but not
ready to endure. I failed to train adequately and so like you would expect, the
race was more than a challenge. It was downright unbearable. In the past I
worked hard, trained hard, ate healthy, and focused on the goal at hand. But
like the Apostle, Peter who walked on water with Christ, I began to sink as I
took my eyes off of the end goal.
Several of my runs have led me down paths that I never
thought I would be able to travel even distances that I thought were
impossible. But through hard work, dedication and focus I have accomplished
levels of endurance that are reserved for those that have truly prepared
Once while participating in a half marathon I cramped up
half way through the race. I was sure that there was absolutely no way I would
cross the finish line. Remembering my training and the rules I established for
myself long before I set out to accomplish such a goal. One of my rules to
running is pray always. Just as I concluded my plea an angel appeared. I don’t
remember her name, but she saw I was in distress and encouraged me to keep
going. She kept me company and distracted me from my pains all the way to the
finish line.
Running is a lot like the gospel. When we study things
out, and prepare for the challenges ahead, we are far more likely to accomplish
what we set out to than if we had not. My short comings were not punishment for
disobedience, but rather the consequence of being ill prepared. Training for a
marathon requires daily discipline and self-mastery. Each time I go for a run,
I learn something about myself and the course I am on. Likewise each time I
study the scriptures I learn something new about God’s plan. I have learned
when I take the time to do what is right, giving my very best, having faith in
Jesus Christ, all things are possible. I can move mountains, and even run
marathons. This I believe.
The above entry was from a writing assignment I was given for my BYU-I English class.