A Fun Run In the Alaskan Sun

The April weather can be a bit unpredictable when you live
in Anchorage, Alaska. And today is no exception it is sunny with temperatures
in high fifties with the slightest spring breeze coming off the inlet. The last
time the weather was this nice in April was in 1936, which made for a very warm
first run.
Today was the first time I went for a run in more than three
months; it was awesome. It was also exhausting and very telling of how out of
shape I have let myself get. In the short amount of time I took off to heal and
focus my attention on school, I gained more than ten pounds. Most of my pants
no longer fit and just about all of my shirts are snugger than I care to wear
in public. The good news is I am determined to use my husky disposition as
motivation to get back down to an ideal weight. I have two marathons to run
this year and based on today’s run, it looks like the first one is going to be
a tough.
Every Tuesday night Skinny Raven Sports host a pub run and
for the longest time I have wanted to participate but couldn’t due to school.
After five consecutive semesters of work, school, church, I felt I needed a
break and decided to take the spring semester off. This means I can focus on
fun in the sun with my family. I can focus on getting into shape and training
for my marathon.
Tuesday run Apr 22,2014
The pub run was a good bench mark, measuring how far I have
let myself go. I was winded for most of the run—it felt like a ton of bricks
was resting on my chest. I powered through the side stiches and achy knees to
finish a three and a half mile run in 34 minutes. I am not saying that is a bad
time, but it’s not a good time either. I know with some effort I can get that
time back down to a more reasonable pace.
Today’s run made me think of my running buddy—I miss him. I
will have to give him a call and see how he and his wife are doing. Just about
any time I went for a run this winter was with my friend Bob. He kept me going
and was the reason I would pull myself out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to run
in the freezing cold. Some of the best runs I have gone on were in ten to
fifteen degrees temperatures of the dark wintery mornings with Bob. I always
learned something new about him, life, and reasons to be thankful in general. The
last time I spoke to him, his wife had fallen ill and had been in the hospital
for several days. I hope they are both doing better and we can go for a run
again soon.